Sponsored Performances
Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke Québec, In association with Komezinganzo Group (Sherbrooke, QC)
Vincent Nsengiyumva, Awarded Silver Medal in association with Komezinganzo Group L’échelle du talent, sponsored by V Télé (Montreal QC)
Sharing Rwandan Music and Dance, sponsored by the Arrondissement de Ville-Marie, Division des sports, des loisirs et du développement social (Montreal, QC)
Celebrating Women’s Day with Traditional Rwandan Music and Dance in honour of International women’s day, sponsored by the Comité des femmes Urumuli de la communauté rwandaise de Montréal (Montreal, QC)
Beatha Kayitesi Fundraising coordinated by Concordia University (Department of Applied Human Sciences), in collaboration
with the Renaud family’s Roasters Foundation (Montreal, QC)
Journée mondiale de Réfugié organise par Montréal International Folklore, Sponsored by the Montreal City Mission (Montreal, QC)
Festival multiculturel Tous Ensemble, Invited guest performer for the official opening of the exhibition
“Kinshasa dans le regard de Paul Henri Kiesse” Sponsored by the Montreal City Mission (Montreal, QC)
ALL the Performances
Vincent Nsengiyumva performs with EMPRESS NYIRINGANGO Live at HABARI AFRICA FESTIVAL. The performance with the legendary musicians Aron Nitunga, Kofi S Ackah, Ian Desouza. Dec 2024
Vincent Nsengiyumva and Komezinganzo Group in collaboratin with Onibana Taiko drummers on the Research and Creation project title: “Big Drums with Heart: Creating a Virtual Village of Beats & Melodies with Taiko & Rwandan Drums”. Virtual collaboration due to COVID 19 restrictions. March to July 2021
Vincent Nsengiyumva in virtual performance at MFAIAWA Online Residency organized by Goddard College Corp (“GCC”), a Vermont corporation. July 17-22, 2021
Vincent Nsengiyumva en spectacle virtuel organise par la Communauté des Africains Francophones de la Saskatchewan Inc (CAFS). Un évènement de célébrations du mois de l’histoire des noirs, lieu le 27 février 2021.
Vincent Nsengiyumva et du groupe Komezinganzo au Défilé de l’Amitié nuestroamericana avec Montréal et les premières nations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBF7grsKFaM
Prestation incroyable du groupe rwandais Komezinganzo au mariage de Furaha et Christophe le 23 septembre 2017, danse sur les chansons de l’Artiste Vincent Nsengiyumva. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nUxRwqXyfA
Défilé de L’Amitié nuestroamericana – Montréal, 5 août 2017 – Komezinganzo danse et chant traditionnels accompagnés d’instruments typiques du Rwanda : interprétation du groupe Komezinganzo, sous la direction de Vincent Nsengiyumva. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK8vV4opHgQ
Vincent Nsengiyumva et le groupe Komezinganzo au défilé de L’Amitié nuestroamericana – Montréal, 6 août 2016.
Mr. Touré! DJ Set and Performance with DJ Sagewondah, Poirier and Karma Atchykah (TBC)
Sounds of Montreal, preliminary selections, under the direction of Sandeep Bhagwati, Canada Research Chair, Concordia University, Montreal
May performance at Mother’s Day, organized by Urumuri, Montreal
Conference: Fondation Général-Roméo-Dallaire, Université Laval (PEPS Arena), Quebec City
http://www.fondationromeodallaire.com/en/2014/07/photos-of-the-lieutenant-general- romeo-dallaires-conference/
Spectacle au Commission scolaire de Montreal l’Ecole Marguerite Bourgeoys, Montreal
Inkera IwacuUmurage, Le Gesu, Montreal http://montreal.murmitoyen.com/detail/342212
Université Nationale Du Rwanda, 50 Ans Après, Collège Universitaire Dominicain, Ottawa- Gatineau
Salon Internationale Tourisme Voyages, Place Bonaventure, Montreal
Soiree Solidarite Vanginanga (Vincent Nsengiyumva), February 9, 2013 Guest Performer, Montreal https://www.facebook.com/rwandamontreal/posts/132687763567406
Opening night of the 29th edition of Festival International Vues d’Afrique
Guest performer (in collaboration with Groupe Umurage) in the presence of the Maka Kotto, Quebec Minister of Culture and Communications, Montreal http://www.rcinet.ca/fr/2013/04/26/artistes-dici-musiques-dailleurs-groupe-umurage/
International World Refugee Day with the Group Amahoro and refugee chorales, Montreal Maison de l’Afrique Mandingo, Montreal
May performance at Mother’s Day organized by Urumuri, Montreal
International Women’s Day organized by the Ottawa Rwandese community, Ottawa
Inyenyeri August 8, 2012
Rwanda cultural performance by Vincent Nsengiyumva, Muteteri Dinalidi and Jean Claude (members of Komezinganzo Group), St-Lucie des Laurentides http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbzs8RGFAgY
Umurage, Hotel Holiday Inn, Montreal Ihozo, Montreal
Songs of Mourning, Songs of Life, in association with the Komezinganzo Troupe Sponsored byEngrenage Noir / LEVIER in collaboration with Onishka Productions and also featuring Odaya, Shining Star and Ihozo, Maison de la Culture Frontenac, Montreal
Opening Session of Songs of Mourning, Songs of Life, sponsored by Engrenage Noir / LEVIER in collaboration with Onishka and also featuring members of Odaya, Maison de l’Afrique Mandingo, Montreal
Mother’s Day Celebration, sponsored by the Comité des femmes Urumuli de la communauté rwandaise de Montréal
Fête des Nations, sponsored by the Paroisse Saint-Henri de Mascouche, Mascouche
International Women’s Day Celebration, sponsored by the Quebec City Rwandan community and hosted by the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec City
Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke, in association with Komezinganzo Troupe, Sherbrooke
L’échelle du talent, sponsored by V Télé, Montreal
Awarded Silver Medal in association with Komezinganzo Troupe
Sharing Rwandan Music and Dance, sponsored by the Arrondissement de Ville-Marie, Division des sports, des loisirs et du développement social, Montreal
Celebrating Women’s Day with Traditional Rwandan Music and Dance in honour of la journéeinternationale de la femme, sponsored by the Comité des femmes Urumuli de la communauté rwandaise de Montréal, Montreal
2009 – 2010
Fundraiser coordinated by Concordia University student Beatha Kayitesi (Department of Applied HumanSciences) in collaboration with the Renaud family’s Roasters Foundation, Montreal
Montréal International Folklore Canada, Montreal
Journée mondiale du Réfugié, sponsored by the Montreal City Mission, Montreal
Celebrating Women’s Day with Traditional Rwandan Music and Dance in honour of la journéeinternationale de la femme, sponsored by the Comité des femmes Urumuli de la communauté rwandaise de Montréal, Montreal
Festival multiculturel Tous Ensemble, Montreal
Journée des droits des réfugiés, sponsored by the Montreal City Mission, Montreal
Invited guest performer for the official opening of the exhibition “Kinshasa dans le regard de Paul Henri Kiesse”, sponsored by the Montreal City Mission, Montreal
TEACHING EXPERIENCE – Traditional dance, dance contemporary and Music
Teaching Group Umurage de Montreal QC
Traditional Rwandan dance, contemporary dance and singing (ages 16-23), sponsored by the
Communauté Rwandaise de Québec (Quebec City, QC)
Teaching Ihozo group de Montreal (Rwandan traditional dance)
Drumming workshop in collaboration with Kathy Kennedy (Women Group of Montreal QC)
Teaching traditional Rwandan dance (ages 8-10) sponsored by the Comité des femmes Urumuli de la communauté rwandaise de Montréal (Montreal, QC)
New CD, in progress – Human Rights Album with Lawrence Joseph and Sandra Gasana, Studio Productions Komezinganzo
Iwacu Heza – My Beautiful Homeland
Original music, written and composed by Vincent Nsengiyumva with Lawrence Joseph and Sandra Gasana: Studio Productions Komezinganzo
Du 2’’ X 4’’ au Plan Nord : La route, la maison en dur et le lieu du ban
December 2012 – February 2013
Sound Recording Engineer for a 12-minute video created by Louise Lachapelle in collaboration with Alexandre Huot http://www.louiselachapelle.net/du2x4auplannord
Niki Natanze Album production for artist, Jean Claude Shumbusho, March 23, 2013 (release date TBD)
UBURERE (“Education)” Album production for artist Uwamaliya Laurence, at Vincent Nsengiyumva’s Studio Productions Komezinganzo
Recording of the second album for Umutesi Lily, at Vincent Nsengiyumva’s Studio Productions Komezinganzo
New recordings by the troupe Amahoro with Sandra Gasana, at Vincent Nsengiyumva’s Studio Productions Komezinganzo
Amashimwe, Gospel music album for Umutesi Lily, December 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n7Pr-RUSQI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzscuSeXO-s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lxHJ1RP6qI
Amatekaa – percussion, guitar, winds and keyboards (CD)
Produced by RD a.k.a. Ru Bless / Arranging, mixing, recording and mastering by Komezinganzo Studio (Montreal, QC)
Bagore Beza / Les Belles Dames / Beautiful Ladies – Solo (CD)
Produced by Vincent Nsengiyumva / Arranging, mixing, recording and mastering by Komezinganzo Studio (Montreal, QC)
Ikigote Vol. 2 – Lead vocals, backup vocals, percussion, guitar, and keyboards (CD) Produced by Donat Nyabyenda / Arranging, mixing, recording and mastering by Komezinganzo Studio (Montreal, QC)
Nikinatanze – Backup vocals, percussion, guitar, and keyboards (CD)
Produced by Jean Cluade Shumbusho / Arranging, mixing, recording and mastering by Komezinganzo Studio (Montreal, QC)
Rumuri Music Album by Nshuti Ndanga – accompanied by Vincent Nsengiyumva on Backing vocals, percussion, guitar, and keyboards (CD)
Performance at University of Arizona 11,Nov 2007 world Care Foundation
Performance at Future Studios, Sedona Arizona, 12 Nov 2007
Performance at Woodlands International Children Festival November 8 to 10, 2007
Houston Texas
Performance at the Fund raising for Rwandan orphanages, Organized by F.O.R.A & Sacramento University CA November 3,2007
Washington Teaching Class of Drum and Dance (Children & Adult) 25-27 October 2007
Teaching Traditional Rwandan Music, Drum and Dance at Reston Community Centre VA, US. AS Artist Resident Students in the all Schools, October 22 to 1 NOV, 2007, VA
Performance at St Anselm College Manchester Nh, March 2007
Performance at Oyster Liver High School Durham Nh, March 21,2007
Performance at World vision Water event in CT, April 20-21,2007 New York University
Performance at Boston Night of Darfur on April 22,2007
Performance at Dover Methodist Church, NH May, 2007
Performance at Boston Baptist Church MA, Celebrating Rwanda Independence July 4/ 2007.
Performance at Multi-Cultural Festival Portsmouth NH, July, 22,2007
A benefit concert of the New American Africans and Office of Minority Health August 11,2007 Concord,NH.
Performance at Macy’s Market Centre Philadelphia, PA Sept 6th, 2007